"Rotten Stiches is a punk band from Atlanta Georgia. When Rebellion Pitt went down to see their show we picked up a copy of Crisis Control. This album is loud and fast and gets your adrenalin pumping. With intense lyrics to match the insane vocals and fast music it is the best soundtrack to an angry life. Picture a bunch of punks in a car getting chased by 20 cop cars, 5 news vans and 2 helicopters trying to escape by throwing Molotov cocktails out the car windows . . . and just when they think there is no hope for an escape they decide to drive off a cliff into the sea where they are able to swim back to a comfortable squat where they celebrate their victory with cheap beers, whiskey and this this CD blasting from a speaker they found in the dumpster, using the electricity they siphon from the neighbors. This talented band has produced a CD that has you on the edge of your seat. Rotten Stitches bring their songs to life in their live show — we highly recommend you check them out."
Also check out their facebook page and bandcamp profile : https://www.facebook.com/RottenStitches/