Friday, May 24, 2019

Manicomio s.a band

Manicomio s.a band is born in mid-2014 in Caicedonia, a small town located in the north of the Valle department in Colombia.Between the monotony of coping with the endless days
and the violence that lasted for many decades from the country.Originally the band consists of 3 members of which 2 are still in the band, Juan Mendez on guitar and Sebastian Muñoz on bass, in the course of his career and a couple of changes in the voice and battery line have been with the training that now its blunt sound, based on not in specific bands if not in the same sense and feeling
been in the Rock n Roll.From the beginning he has found himself in a negative position
any aspect of life, blaming not the government or the institutions of any error in the system if not to the same society, to each individual who gives the power to them.They find theirselves with a psychiatric vision, which immerses us between hatred, resentment and repulsion.They are not better than nothing, and they are worse than bitter milk.They come to disturb your comfort, kick your ears and try a bit of your material.Currently they have an Ep. called "Manicomio"participation in several national compilations of punk and work on what is a Split and the composition of a studio album.
Basically they say, if you want something well done, do it yourself. If you can not do this you're fucked up, that's why you're in this madhouse.

Also check out their facebook page :

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